Current Issue
Since its debut in 2007, Novitas-ROYAL has been recognized by over twenty indexing agencies, including ERIC, SCOPUS, and TUBITAK-ULAKBIM (TR Dizin). We are proud to have published studies from researchers in more than thirty countries and reached at least twice as many readers. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the invaluable support of our readers, reviewers, and authors—thank you!
As we conclude our eighteenth volume, this issue presents a rich array of articles from different corners of the globe, addressing critically engaging topics in language teaching, literature, and linguistics. These studies’ findings, insights, and implications offer meaningful contributions to the academic discourse on youth and language and will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for future research. We hope you enjoy reading this issue’s diverse and thought- provoking articles.
Mehmet Galip ZORBA, Ph.D.
We Spread
Around the World
The journal welcomes research using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods as long as the methods employed are described in a sound manner.