Welcome to Volume 2, Issue 2 of Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language). Having sponsored The Third Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, the journal is continuing its rapid growth in terms of credibility and is now recognized by many databases and libraries worldwide. As we mentioned in the previous editorial welcome, en route to contributing to the enlightenment of international academic community by making scientific information easily accessible and free of charge, Novitas-ROYAL has taken important steps in order to become one of the prestigious online journals in its area.
The current issue includes a wide array of articles covering different topics. In the first article, Naeini tries to find whether corrective feedback in the form of prompt affects the linguistic accuracy of EFL learners’ writing ability at the upper-intermediate level of language proficiency. The second article deals with the role of L1 in L2 acquisition. Nazary, by exploring 85 students’ attitudes and perceptions toward the use of L1, emphasizes the efficiency of bilingual approach in foreign language learning and teaching. The third article reports metaphorical conceptualizations of an adult EFL learner driven by the assumption that metaphors are not only essential for communicating abstract and difficult ideas, but also for talking about aspects of ordinary experience. In their article on the effect of the relationship between learning and teaching strategies on academic achievement, Sarıçoban and Sarıcaoğlu reveal that metacognitive and compensation strategies are the mostly favoured ones. In our last article, Shomoossi et al. investigate classroom interaction with reference to gender and technology.
We thank all the contributors who have submitted their articles to Novitas-ROYAL. We look forward to our meeting again in April 2009. We would be glad to receive your comments and suggestions.
Olcay SERT
Associate Editor
Newcastle University , Newcastle upon Tyne, UK